007 - DΔWИ
For this 7th personnal work of the years, I'd like to use World Machine to get a view from above. This final image is 250% bigger than fullHD format (4800*2700px), so It could be printed on a A4 or Letter sheet format.
The textures and materials are a mix between World Machine outputs and PBR in blender Cycles. I made another final image with futuristic UI to simulate a satellite view of the base.
The base/city structure is modeled by me. My firt inspiration was visuals from the video clip Gosh of Jamie xx. I aim to render other frame of this scene because it worth the effort. This heights and texture are maped on a sphere so I a have a amazing effects when the camera tilt; kind of spatial effects on the moon... Model with World Machine, lightning, texturing & render in Blender, post in Photoshop.